Friday, July 27, 2007

Hello from Canada!

Hi there!
Well after many goodbyes or 'See ya later's, I boarded the plane!! There were certainly mixed feelings as I left while at the same time, knowing for sure that this is exactly the journey that God wants me to be on!
I left Brisbane for a direct, yet long flight to LA, followed by a flight to Seattle, then the final short flight up to Victoria which is on Vancouver Island, Canada! There were many hours of flying, yet I was able to sleep, even with the use of sleeping tablets!! I had an incredibly divine journey from Brisbane to Victoria! God was very gracious in opening up several opportunities to share the gospel and share my 'little book' with them! Each flight presented a new opportunity which was there, just waiting to be embraced! Actually, even before boarding the plane on Wednesday when I was getting my tax back after customs, I met a lady whose children go to Grace! Definitely divine-appointment! Through out the journey I was again hit with the reality of how many people need to hear the gospel and respond! How sad it is when you realise just how many ppl are lost and do not know the hope of Christ! And so, God made my flying time purposeful..
But now.. I am in Victoria having an awesome time!!! I am staying with Bev and her family who we met at Easter time in Uganda. Bev and her daughters were there building a Watoto Orphange house just 2 doors down from the house we were building in memory of Mum. And so, after spending a week together God blessed us with a special friendship which is continuing! I arrived Wednesday evening and already we have done so much! Thursday (yesterday) we went whale watching! To make it even more exciting, we went on these speed boats (rubber ducky style) fully equipped up in bright red waterproof suits! We saw quite seals and quite a few whales, including the largest killer whale they have in the area called ruffles! We only saw the top 1/3 of his body but an amazing experience!!!
To finish off the day, Bev, her daughter Heidi and myself escaped to a cute little town up the mountains called Chemainus for the night at a sweet hotel! We had a beautiful dinner, followed by a live theatre show 'Murder on the Nile'. The night ended with a much enjoyed relax in the hot tub at the hotel! Today, we went for a ferry ride around a few of the Islands off the coast, including Thetis Island where the Canadian Capernwray Bible School is located!! It was a great way to see the beautiful surrounds of the Canadian coast!
Tonight we are having a few people over for Bible Study - They are studying Beth Moore's 'Daniel' study.
In reflecting on these past few days, I am realising just how blessed I am. So quickly God has showered so many blessings upon me being with Bev and her family. They are incredible special and looking after me! So.. I gotta run.. Dinner is up and we have ppl coming in 1/2hr!
Be back soonl.. Take care!! Love you... BEC

Friday, July 20, 2007

Welcome to Bec's BLOGSPOT!

Hi there!!

Well, here it is.. the start of Bec's little journey across the seas!