Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sunday's Comin!

Well as I woke this morning.. this being Good Friday I was faced with a mixture of emotions as I reflected on this day, this holiday that we celebrate. All on it’s own, Good Friday is quite the sad/reflective day, remembering the painful and gruesome death that Jesus endured on our behalf! Some may ask the question ‘why did He have to endure such pain?’ but the answer remains that all of us have sinned and fallen short of His Glory. Therefore in order that the separation be removed and our sin forgiven, a punishment had to be given as penalty for our sin. But God is in incredible, infinite goodness made the call that He would allow his Son Jesus Christ to pay that price.. that price being his very life and blood. Wow – He did that for you and Me!

But as I got ready for our 2nd day of Easterfest I was reminded with the truth that although all on its own, Good Friday is not necessarily ‘good’, it IS good because ‘Sunday’s coming!’. We do have hope on Friday because of the Sunday yet to come!! Sunday’s Comin!! All was black and sad on Friday but on Sunday, Jesus conquered death by rising from the dead! We live in hope because we know that the rest of the story must be told! For the disciples Friday was the worst day in their lives.. knowing that their Lord was dead, their hopes crushed and their purpose shattered.. BUT on Sunday, their day of disaster turned into the day of Victory! Jesus rose again! He conquered! He defeated death.. AND forgave our sin, giving us each the opportunity to be rescued, redeemed and set free to know Jesus, his forgiveness and his eternal life which is promised to all who put their trust in Him! Wow! Jesus laid down his life that we might receive that life! The truth of Sunday changed everything!And for each of us we have that journey to walk.. We can enter in to His forgiveness and experience the fullness of a personal intimate walk with Jesus! For each of us, we also go through seasons in life that may very well feel like the disaster on ‘good’ Friday.

You may be in a situation this Easter whereby it just feels like you are surrounded in the dark/you are pressed down/you are under attack/you are fighting to stay afloat. BUT can I encourage you that Sunday’s Comin!! For each of us, Jesus has promised that although we will go through trials of many kinds, we also will overcome! We WILL conquer the enemy and we ARE filled with the very Spirit of God that raised Jesus from the dead! He lives in us! Press into Him.. seek him.. Surrender to Him! So although we are faced with the reality of Jesus’ suffering for us (which we must never take for granted) we can take great joy this day because Sunday’s Coming. Just like the disciples had a season of desperation, we too are faced with times where we wonder ‘Is God really here’ or ‘why do I have to struggle with the stronghold’. But take great encouragement to know that Friday wasn’t the end of the story – it was just the beginning! Sunday’s Coming.. Victory is round the corner.. Let’s run the race, knowing that in the end.. we win! Jesus overcame death.. He is the ultimate victor!

So Happy Easter to you! Usually we wait until Sunday to say Happy Easter, but Good Friday IS a day to celebrate.. not on it’s own, but because Sunday IS Coming!!

Rock On!!


May God grant to you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation that you might know him better! (Eph 1)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Heavenly Homecoming..

Today has been a tough day for the youth of Life Church. Early this morning, Inez (17 years old) passed away... At the very time of her passing (which I was not yet aware of), I posted my blog, asking you to pray for her healing. God had already answered our prayer.. Not necessarily in the way we would have preferred but we still give Him the glory for He is worthy. She is healed, complete, whole and free from suffering.. In the early hours of this morning, God called his daughter home! I can just imagine her running through the gates of heaven, being welcomed with 'Well done, good and faithful servant! Welcome Home..'

I have come to the conviction that we are called by God to pray in faith and ask for physical healing, knowing that he is more than able! ..However we do not have the right to demand that from him. He alone is God and we trust Him to do that which will most honour and glorify His name.

As we all met together today and I listened to them talk about Inez, I was inspired! This young girl of 17 years old has left a powerful legacy that will not be forgotten. Amongst her friends, there were tears, laughter, stories remembered, and moments shared, all in celebration of her short, yet passionate life. Her single minded, undivided heart was sold out for the cause of knowing Christ and making him known. In her school, she rose up, unashamed of her relationship with Jesus, causing others to stop and take notice. And today, even we, stopped and took note of her life, encouraged and challenged by her unwavering devotion, whatever the cost! I did not know Inez like most sitting in that room today (In fact I only met her for the first time in the hospital room) but even I see the fruit of her life, still growing and multiplying.

Last week at church, Steve Uppal gave a powerful message entitled 'The power of One'. We read amazing stories of individuals who laid all aside for the gospel.. men and women who changed the world, causing great revivals because they chose to surrender, take up their cross and boldly proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. Steve finished by repeating 'there are stories still to be written.. there are stories, even in this room that are still to be written'. I remember thinking to myself, "God i don't want to get to heaven and be ashamed that I did not give you my all. I want to be just another 'one' who made that simple decision to surrender, take up my cross and proclaim your gospel.. ." And not for my name's sake but that HIS name would be made famous!

As we reflected today I thought, right now Inez's story continues to be written on the hearts of those around her who were affected by her infectious love for Jesus. May her legacy, her story, and her testimony cause people to come face to face with Jesus! From this day to her funeral day, to the days ahead, my prayer is that her testimony continues to speak.. loudly.. as an ongoing reminder of the transforming power of the cross. I am reminded of the life of another precious daughter of God, Hannah Sobeski who also shared a similar journey. We wonder 'why' and we struggle to comprehend God's reasoning, but ultimately God will be glorified! God's will for Inez, for Hannah, is also part of God's will for us and our journey. He has not made a mistake, nor has he failed us. And we trust him with that.

Let me share what happened yesterday. Since I arrived and started working with the youth, I have had this strong conviction that God is on the move and we need to be attentive to His voice as He leads us and directs us. In seeking out the needs of our youth, I feel so strongly that we must seek GOD'S vision! Yes we can have 'good' ideas and 'effective' programs, but we want this to be HIS vision, HIS heartbeat and HIS mission! I don't want to naively forge ahead in my 'good' ideas hoping that God will bless it. No I want to Him to lead us. Do we sit back and do nothing in the meantime? No, but we get serious, we get intentional and we get desperate for God to speak, to move and to lead!

In the same message from Steve Uppal, he spoke so strongly with such great conviction and I just heard God repeat over and over again 'Fight for their souls! Fight for the souls of our youth! Who will stand up and fight for them?? The world is fighting for their souls - to steal, kill and destroy -to steal their innocence, kill their joy and destroy their future. But Jesus came that they would have life and life abundantly! (John 10:10). Whose going to fight for them if you don't? Bec, you don't have time to wonder whether it's possible, or to doubt your ability, or to settle for mediocrity. Bec, the gospel is urgent, Jesus is worth it and these youth need Him! So get your armour on, pick up your Sword and fight!'

So then yesterday we (youth leaders) got together for a few hours.. we talked, we prayed, we prayed.. and we prayed some more.. In that same passage in John (v10-13) Jesus says 'The thief comes ONLY to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly. I am the good Shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandond the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep'. That's what it means to fight! To lay down your life for the 'sheep'. If there is no ownership it is easy to run from the need. But this mandate is not optional. Jesus did not say 'Preach the gospel.. make disciples.. care for the needy.. feed the hungry.. if you feel like it'. No he said YOU FEED THEM. And so I released them if they feel their calling is different from youth, but if they stay and we commit to this together, then we will make it our mission to fight for them! To lay down our lives for them! To care for the sheep as the Good Shepherd cares for them! I believe God stripped us back, humbled us and caused us to recommit ourselves afresh in surrender to His call. Exactly what that looks like I do not know, but I do know that it involves saying 'Jesus, come what may, I'm yours! Use me, mould me, shake me, break me, do with me what you will, for my life is not my own, I have been bought with a price. I have surrendered my rights. I lay down my life. Glorify yourself through me'.

At the end of our time together after we had prayed for Inez, Tammy said something that would prove to be even more profound today. She said 'Guys, we're talking about laying down our lives for God. Inez is doing this.. she has done this.. she has laid down her life. She has surrendered herself, knowing that her life is not her own'. And then only a matter of hours later, Inez went home. She truly had laid down her life, surrendering to God's will in her life. "To live is Christ; To die is gain" (Phil 1:21). It's easy to say but not so easy to live out in the midst of grief. By no means am I saying that I understand all of what they are feeling right now, but I do know grief and what it means to lose someone that you love.

And so I don't believe that timing is ever a coincidence. So often it's easy to say 'oh this is bad timing' but I wonder it that is wrong to say, if we truly believe that God is sovereign and in control. It's as if on Sunday we verbalised our surrender and submission to Christ regardless of the cost, and then on Monday we were called to walk it out in faith. I just know that God is calling us higher and deeper with Him.

Please pray with us for Inez's family.. for her school friends.. for her friends here at Life Church who have lost a precious friend.. for our church leadership.. for Tammy as she takes the funeral and for those who have YET to accept Christ as their Saviour. As much as we might know the truth in our heads and I've even managed to ramble away with many words, the fact remains that in this world we do face pain, hurt and grief. Inez's family and friends are grieving and we're praying for God to be revealed in such a powerful way! The youth at church are amazing and I am so encouraged by their steadfast trust in God in the midst of their pain. "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." (2 Cor 1:3,4).

Well once again, thank you for praying! God is still on the throne and we will continue to praise Him for he deserves it! Forgive my rambles at times but at least this blog is not a 'required reading' but simply an 'optional extra'.



Sunday, February 22, 2009

'BE THE CHANGE'.. Life in Cape Town so far!

Before I kick off, I want to thank each of you for your messages and emails etc etc! I really have not spent time replying as yet.. I will, I will.. but may this blog serve as an encouragement and an update! Yes I know sometimes it ends up a little long but at the same time, only read if you have time and feel the urge.. J More than you know I appreciate your love, your friendship and your prayers! Blessings to you..

“Welcome Home!”. That phrase we usually use when RETURNING BACK to our place of belonging. And yet, it is a strange reality to realize that I have instead been welcomed to a new place, which will now become ‘home’. The past 25 days have been active, vibrant, busy, meaningful, powerful, surreal and full. From day one I knew that I knew that this is the place that God wants me to be. And even though there are still things I am learning, procedures to be understood, people to meet, relationships to be built, ministries to grow, there exists a ‘sweet spot’ when regardless of all that, you know that at least in this very moment, I am where He wants me to be! It’s not necessarily ‘easy’ but there’s nowhere else I would rather be.

2 weeks ago Gareth Stead came to speak, and among other things he reflected on Adam’s life, where in Genesis it reads ‘God took him and put him.. (in the garden)’. He didn’t ask for Adam’s approval, nor try to convince him of how good it would be, No, God took him and put him! The same is said for Joseph whose master ‘took him and put him’ in prison! And ‘what man intended for evil, God used for good’! In a similar way I feel like God ’took me and put me’ here! This is God’s placement, not mine and because of that one thing, I know that He has a purpose and a plan for me here in South Africa.

On Thursday 29th January I arrived in Cape Town to find out that my Pastor, Anthony had been admitted into hospital with chronic pain in his neck and down his back. Resulting from a surfing accident 5 years ago, his neck and back were now saying ‘enough’. With compressed vertebrae and pinched nerves, it was time to get it ‘fixed’. So on Tuesday 3rd Feb, Anthony went in for surgery, with an expected recovery time of 5 weeks! For a guy who is always on the move this has been quite the adjustment. He at this moment in a neck brace and slowly getting back to his normal active self. Vision Sunday was moved from 1st Feb, to this Sunday 1st March (while several individual staff meetings have occurred in his living room). But God is on the move! He has a plan! And God always has a purpose in events such as these! So as a church, we are excited to hear how God has envisioned Anthony for the year ahead and empowered him to lead us in that God-inspired vision. Our mission statement for 2009 is BE THE CHANGE! When the disciples were faced with a crowd of over 5000 hungry people, Jesus responded to their state of anxiety with ‘YOU FEED THEM!’. Often we see the need and hope/ask/pray that God would meet the need by those who are ‘gifted’, ‘qualified’, or ‘trained’, and yet to his disciples Jesus said ‘You feed them’.. ‘YOU be the change that they are searching for’! And that is our mission.. to BE THE CHANGE!

My transition into church life, staff roles, youth leadership and building relationships has proven to be surprisingly smooth and natural! Yes as I said earlier, there is much to learn and understand, but more than that, there is an overriding peace and excitement that God has deliberately put me here for ‘such a time as this’ to serve his purposes in this current generation. I feel ‘at home’ in church, within the staff, with the youth, and here in Cape Town. That is not to say that I don’t feel the effects of being away from my family back home, because I certainly do. It is one thing to go away on ‘trips’, knowing that you will return ‘home’, but to re-locate to another continent for the purpose of establishing life there long term is very different and new for me. In many ways it still feels surreal and I often catch myself thinking ‘Am I really doing this? Did I actually leave Australia and move to SA? What on earth am I doing here?’ Lol. But in those moments I must come back to the assurance that God said GO! Like he told Abram to ‘leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you’, I feel that God has required the same obedience from me – to get up and leave.

I am grateful that this firm confirmation from God was not only revealed to me but also to my family. As difficult as it was to say ‘goodbye’ they released me to go, knowing that my obedience to God had to come before my own personal desires (like spending some time back home with them!). I feel supremely blessed.. Only God can allow a family to be so close, and yet release each other with such freedom, knowing that God is God and bridges the gap while apart from each other. A sweet friend recently said to me ‘Bec, God’s will for you is God’s will for your family’. So I entrust them to God! (But I will say that technology is just fabulous! Skype/FB/sms/calling cards etc makes the contact all the more convenient!)

While writing this I am sitting in my ‘granny flat’, situated in Bantry Bay, Cape Town about 5-10 minutes drive from the church. A sweet couple offered for me to stay in their granny flat, under their house.. It started out as a temporary arrangement, but I'm trusting that God will lead the way ahead. All I know is that for now God has placed me here.. deliberately.. intentionally.. for a purpose! God is good! And nothing is a coincidence or ‘plan B’ when He’s in charge!

As for buying a car, that is still a Work in Progress! For those of you who have read my previous blogs, you are probably thinking to yourself ‘Bec, it’s not about the car!’ lol.. yes thank you! But I am trusting that in the next week or 2, I might have found one! Maybe God is teaching me the lesson of dependence upon others and the humility it takes to ask.. and ask again.. and again! Sweet people have been absolute gems! – always willing to pick me/take me home! I have also enjoyed the 40minute walk to work when the weather has been good.. and the walk home certainly gives my legs and rear end a work out! Bantry Bay is quite elevated, overlooking Sea Point.. so my trek home, feels more like a mountain trek, than a casual stroll! But I can’t complain – Cape Town is a beautiful place to be!

So this brings to me to why God brought me here in the first place! The youth of Sea Point! Wow, what a journey it has been so far. My first meeting with my leaders occurred 3 days after I arrived and I just knew that there was treasure lay hidden and potential waiting to be released! It was as if we ‘clicked’ from day 1. I love them! ..And I am passionate about investing into their lives and setting the stage for each individual to explode in the fullness of what God has placed within them!

There are 12-15 key leaders who have committed themselves to the youth of this city. Yes we have much to learn and much to grow into, but what an exciting reality it is that ‘God’s eyes search throughout the earth, looking to strengthen those whose hearts are set on Him’. My prayer is that as God looks across the city of Cape Town, that his attention would be arrested as he looks upon this group… These are the future leaders of this country! May they not settle for what the world would throw at them or let their confidence be crushed by the weight of pressure around them. But may they stand firm, rise up and take hold of the power that God has placed within them by His Spirit!

Paul’s words to Timothy continue to speak ‘Don’t let anyone look down upon you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity’. God uses young people!! When Jesus fed the 5000 (yes by now you know I love this story!) he said to his disciples ‘YOU FEED THEM’ (thanks Sean!), but where did that food come from??? That’s right – a boy! As I journaled this passage on Friday it hit me.. ‘Bec, those youth leaders that are right in front of you – they hold the key! Just like Jesus blessed the boys lunch, my prayer is that he would bless that which is in the hands of my leaders to ‘feed’ the multitudes!

I believe God wants to touch this city in a powerful way! Do I feel that the task is too great! YES! Do I feel like small David standing before the mighty Goliath? YES. Do I feel that it is impossible for me? YES. .. BUT!.. Do I believe that God is too small for a miracle? NO! Do I believe that God can’t work with my limitations? NO! For his power and strength is made perfect in my weaknesses! David’s confidence was in His God, no giant was greater than his trust in His God! I want to be like the disciple Andrew who ‘spoke up saying ‘here is a boy, with 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish..’. That might seem simple to you, but he had enough faith to speak up, offering that which he had to offer! In the same way, I feel like I am saying to God ‘There are hundreds/thousands of youth who are spiritually hungry! The task is so great, the man power, seemingly small. But Lord, here we are.. use us!

I believe change is on God’s heart, but with that change I believe the evil one is freaking out! He is threatened by the potential of what God wants to do in and through his Church! And so we as the church are certainly being tested. Without delving into great detail, we had a major shock this past week with Lorenzo, one of the key church leader/planters in Mozambique dying suddenly from viral meningitis. He was only 22 years old, married with one child and another on the way! A major shock especially for those within his church. Please pray for Anne-maree, the Australian woman who planted the church up there 10 years ago and her husband (and baby) as they seek God’s direction and depend upon His comfort at this time.

Also, back here at home, one of my youth leaders, Inez is currently in ICU in a critical condition. Her body is fighting a tough battle! She has low blood platelets, causing her immune system to weaken with any infection. Her lungs are struggling and she is not able to breathe on her own.. they tried taking her off the ventilator but her body did not respond well. Her liver and kidneys are also fighting an uphill battle. She is only 17! God calls us to pray for healing.. so join with us! With just one word he spoke the world into creation, and with one touch he healed the blind, the sick, the broken. Do we demand healing? No, but we are asking for healing and calling on God to magnify his greatness and glorify Himself through Inez’s life! So please pray with us.. there are other areas of testing but I know that God is on the move and he is refining us, molding us, growing us and stretching us to be the men and women of God that He has created us to be!

There is much more on my heart to share, but I think this blog is more than long enough for one sitting! Wherever this finds you, may you approach this new day ahead with a deep and unshakable assurance that God is here! Jesus loves ‘showing up’! Thanks to Mark Burchell who preached tonight, he gave 3 examples of God showing up! In the midst of FEAR, he appeared to his disciples in the upper room declaring ‘Peace be with you’.. In the midst of the FIRE, he appeared with Daniel in the furnace as his protector and ‘fire-proof’ shield.. And in the midst of a FIX he showed up in the prison, releasing the chains of bondage and opening the gate to freedom! When Jesus shows up, lives are transformed, chains are broken and hope is restored!

May we trust in the unlimited, unfathomable, unchanging power of God! ‘It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened by a yoke of slavery’ (Gal 5:1)..


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bec is moving to Cape Town, South Africa as Youth Pastor :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009 at 12:36am

Well, who would have thought that things could change so dramatically, so quickly! It has been 4 weeks since I arrived home from Africa.. and what a whirlwind trip it was! For those of you who read my blogs along the way, you have an idea of the journey God took me on! For 3 months he asked me to ‘Seek Him TODAY and trust Him for TOMORROW’! There were many times along the way where I wondered to myself ‘what am I doing here?’… but still God spoke reminding me to ‘Seek Him TODAY…’. I look back now and realize that in essence I was giving God 3 months of unplanned time for Him to do with me what He wanted! I had spent a year in America studying the Bible and was looking to the next step… I had felt as though God had placed within me this overwhelming passion to ‘change the world’, whatever that looked like. I just knew that God had given me a voice.. and that voice was to share the love and life of Christ to a world dying without hope. There would be no greater privilege that God could bestow upon me than to use me to be His mouthpiece of truth and His Hands of love.. If God would allow me to spend the rest of my days telling people about Jesus, then I could ask for no greater thing! But how that would look, I had no idea. And so, off I went to Africa.. Yes, it was unknown, but deep down I was desperate for God to move, to act, to take me, to open doors… whatever.. but just don’t leave me without direction or purpose! (Maybe I can be impatient.. but I take joy in the fact that God knows my heart and loves me).

And so, my time in Africa taught me what it means to wait in faith AND walk by faith at the same time! As God opened a door, I went through it, yet never quite sure what it meant or where it would lead. For 2.5 months it was day by day, and I will admit, there were times when I wondered what God was doing but still I heard ‘Bec, Seek me today and trust me for tomorrow’

…But today, I have great excitement in sharing the end of one story and the beginning of another! At the end of my 3 month trek, exactly one week before I was due to fly back to Australia, my world turned upside down! You know that I had spent quite a few weeks in Uganda with Watoto, then to Tanzania for 2 weeks before flying down to Cape Town South Africa for the last week and a half before flying home. You would also know that my decision to go to South Africa felt at the time somewhat ‘random’… I had met Pastor Anthony Liebenberg at the Watoto conference in Uganda (the pastor of Life Church, Cape Town) and after chatting for 1/2hr or so he casually invited me to come down and visit his church. Well initially I thought that was very nice of him, but I honestly did not think it would actually happen. Why? Because 1) I had limited funds, 2) I did not know him and 3) Sth Africa had never been on my agenda for this trip. But as time went on, I felt more and more ‘Maybe I should just go?’. Although I had been to SA, I had never been to Cape Town and so maybe I should just go and check it out, if nothing else, than to have a holiday and meet some great people. I went back and read my last blogs, excerpts of which are listed below..

27th OCT: This is somewhat random, but it feels right at this stage. At conference Dad and I met a guy called Anthony who is a pastor in Cape Town, looking to model Watoto in Cape Town! We talked for some time.. after which he invited me to come down. Initially I thought I 'can't do that'.. but the thought has not left me since. I've been praying about it and a this stage I feel led to go. Have I booked flights yet? No.. bc I want to be sure it's His will not mine, but I'm at least moving and walking in that direction. I don't even know him very well but I have come to love the unknown and watching God unfold his plan..

17th NOV: I’ll be spending 10 days down there meeting up with the Pastor I met at the Watoto conference. I am excited at what God is up to and I’m excited at what will unfold in SA. What I’ll be doing I’m not sure but trusting God to open and shut doors. Like ALWAYS, things can change and so be it.. But at this stage, im flying back to Uganda on Thurs 27th.

Like I wrote in the last blog (wed 19th Nov) it was great re-connecting with Anthony, meeting his family, his staff, and getting involved where I could. I figured I might as well make the most of it and if I have an opportunity, just take it. So I took staff devotions and without necessarily meaning to, I revealed much of what I am passionate about in the need for evangelism and laying down our lives for the sake of the gospel. I spoke on the cost of discipleship and being willing to count the cost.. Is there any sacrifice that Christ could ask of us that would be too great when we consider all that He has done for us! Jesus left heaven behind to save us! And so.. I was pretty vulnerable and honest.. and didn’t really hold back. I didn’t know the people very well at all, so what did I have to lose!?! Well the days went on and had a great time seeing Cape Town, meeting people, going to Life group, speaking at the local Police Station etc.. fun times! But on Sunday afternoon about 4:15pm Anthony landed the bombshell question ‘Bec, we’d like you to come and be our youth pastor’!.. Whoa.. I didn’t see that coming! I was a little ‘floored’ to say the least! Youth Pastor? In South Africa? Definitely caught me by surprise! I spoke with Anthony and his wife Desiree for a while and although at the time I felt no pull either way, I promised them ‘If God tells me yes, I’ll be here!’. And although I was completely serious about being obedient to God, it’s a lot easier to say when in my mind there was a very high probability that God’s answer would be no.

However it was at this point that all the seemingly ‘random’ dots were quickly coming together!! Ahhh so that was why I came down to South Africa!?!? But what spun me out was the fact that Anthony invited me down so quickly after meeting each other. But that’s when I am reminded that God’s ways are higher than our ways and if He wants something accomplished, He will make it happen! Often we have a pre-conceived idea of how things should unfold.. but God is not restricted by time, distance, how well we know a person or not or any other reason we may put forward! And so, after taking some time to process the concept, I spent the last 3 days thinking/praying/hanging out with staff and seeking God’s direction. Even though I was surprised I came to realise over those few days that in fact, God had been preparing me for this for so long! Yes, the youth pastor title is not what I had expected, but everything that this would involve is what I am passionate about!

And so, I have accepted the call to go! I am leaving Australia on Thursday 29th January (in 3.5 weeks) as I officially begin Sunday Feb 1st. Some have asked me ‘So how long is your call? 1 year, 5 years?’, but my response has been ‘..for life’. Yes God could move me after a short time but in my heart, I know that I must be prepared to go and not look back. He calls each of us to lay down our lives, whatever the cost.. And as I reflected on what I had shared in staff mtg (before I knew about the position) I now must put legs to that which I speak and live out what I believe in my spirit - that Jesus is worth it and there is no sacrifice too great that he could ask of me! If he calls me to leave my family, my home, then I will do it because I love Him.

The church is called Life Church in the suburb of Sea Point (in Cape Town) .. I was only there for one Sunday service but what I saw I loved. They are passionate, alive and willing to do all for the sake of Christ! They are very mission-focused, with a church plant down the road, one in Mozambique and one in Malawi which will be great to see and be involved in. The Soccer World Cup is also coming in 2010, with the stadium being built as we speak. The youth seem fabulous and I’m looking forward to meeting them and watching as God unfolds his amazing plan for the year(s) ahead! I love youth and consider it such a privilege to speak life and truth into them by the words I speak and the life I lead. The other exciting development is that Life Church is launching Watoto – Cape Town! This will be the first official launch of Watoto outside of Uganda, which as most of you well know is quite close to my heart! But as I look back over these past 4 years God has orchestrated so many things to get me to this point. The only reason that I went to Africa this time was that I had earned a free sky-miles flight due to the previous 4 trips to Africa! Therefore even my passion for Watoto was the major factor causing me to be at the right place at the right time for God to move! And so I met Anthony! (And in fact.. it was my Dad who had met me at the conference for those few days who actually introduced me to Anthony! Therefore God even orchestrated Dad’s agenda that he would be at the conference to be the one who connected us both!) I won’t but I could go on and on with more testimonies of God’s fingerprints over this whole journey.

Within one week of Anthony asking me, I knew that I had to say yes. I have come to the liberating position where all I need from God is His YES or NO. I could spend much time weighing up the pro’s and con’s but at the end of the day, if it is a yes, He will take care of the details! And so, God said Yes!

At this stage, it still feels quite surreal because it is a seemingly permanent move! It is a major move to leave my family, my church, my friends and my home, and yet I take great comfort in knowing that God is more than sufficient and He has already gone before me and prepared the way. All he requires of me is to step out in obedient faith and trust him for the journey ahead!

Thank you for your friendship and your prayers.. I look forward to staying in touch online!

If you’re not busy on Australia Day (Monday 26th Jan) I am having a going away party at my place – 18 Aurora Place, Kippa Ring, QLD from 6pm. You can drop in and out as you like through the night but it’d be great to catch some of you before I leave. For those internationals, of course you’re welcome, but I think we’ll just chat on skype/FB at some point! Lol..

Blessings to you wherever this finds you! ..Bec

2 Corinthians 12:9 ‘And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me’.

Wow, Wow, Wow!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 9:26pm

Yes, this is just a short note, but I couldn't help but reflect on the extravagance of God's goodness! I am in Cape Town and just feel like incredibly blessed... in such abundance! I feel like His grace is pouring down and my cup is truly full and overflowing! And even if all wasn't going as well as it is.. God is still awesome and amazing and worthy of worship! His acts of grace just remind of that unchanging truth! I just know I need to be here.. I often find myself doing things that make me say 'What on earth am I doing?' because it does not necessarily make sense, but I have great joy in knowing that God's plans don't always make sense in our human understanding. It really is best just to follow.. even when you don't know the way. Actually.. we might not know the way.. but we DO know THE WAY, THE TRUTH & THE LIFE.. Christ Himself who lives in us!

Just quickly.. This week is unfolding and blessing me moment by moment. I met with Pastor Anthony yesterday which was awesome to reconnect after conference. It is exciting to see his heart and what God is up to in and through his local church. So tomorrow, I have the privilege (and responsibility) of taking staff devotions with his church staff then tomorrow night he asked me to take the youth life group. I'm not sure what age, how many or anything just yet but praising God for the opportunity! Friday night is their women's conference and Saturday I am involved in their community outreach project which is an orphanage that has been set up by an awesome woman caring for orphaned cerebal palsy kids! Wow! God's on the move! Last night we had an orientation evening for those new people joining the church and then tonight is a social event which will be great to meet some ppl!

But once again, God has reminded me of the value he places on relationships!! Today I have been given a gift! A sweeeet friend of mine from Uganda is actually here in Cape Town! Without knowing each other's plans in advance we both had planned to visit Cape Town.. for different reasons! And so just this morning I met up with her and we are spending the day together seeing Cape Town!! Others would say what a coincidence... but I would say.. God is GOOD!! Wow.. once again reminding me of God's heartbeat for His children! She is staying with me for 2 days.. then going to J-berg. THEN.. without knowing it, we are both booked on the same flight back to Uganda next thursday! crazy..

I just had a few mins in an internet cafe before we headed out. I just realised that there probably was not a serious need to write another post so quickly.. BUT.. I just wanted to say God is awesome and continues to surprise me! Maybe I should not be so surprised but then on the other hand.. I never want to get complacent or used to His abundant Blessings!!

Well gotta run.. Love you xoxo

The journey of faith continues..

Monday, November 17, 2008 at 4:52am

It seems crazy to think that 9 weeks has gone by here in Africa. This truly has been a unique experience so far, one that I will forever cherish. The last time I wrote I was on my way to Musoma, Tanzania, with a general plan in mind for the next 6 weeks.As planned I caught an ‘Akamba’ bus from Kampala on Tuesday 28th October. That day was just a little crazy for I still had not yet bought my bus ticket. Early in the morning I went to the bus depo and bought a ticket while leaving my hiking pack in Barbara’s car at work. I raced around thanks to the trusty (well, maybe not so trusty) boda boda’s (public transport – motorbikes). Thankfully no accidents were had but if that were to occur, it’s always comforting to know that the driver wears a helmet while passengers don’t! Good to know.. I went to the markets for some last minute necessities, then up to an internet cafĂ© to book my flight to SA. I thought it was the responsible thing to do since that flight was only 2 weeks away. With minutes to spare I once again caught a boda boda up to Barbara’s office to collect my bag. BUT getting me AND my bag to the bus depot in time meant that boda boda was my answer! So, on we got.. the driver, me AND my hiking pack (sitting sideways across the seat of the bike) and my bag of water and snacks for the bus. What a sight! Although I must say, I think those drivers are well accustomed to carrying more than even what seems possible on those little bikes! But I did arrive safe and in one piece – the best $1.50 spent!

So, I loaded my bag on the bus (that sounds like there was some ‘system’ to do that but really those bags just go wherever there is room). As I walked onto the bus I walked into a wall of heat! But gratefully I had asked for a window seat which proved life-saving on the very WARM bus ride. More than anything I think I was just glad to be sitting down and ‘switch off’ knowing that there was nothing to ‘get done’ in the 17hrs to follow. All started off well.. we started driving about 4pm and although it was hot with obviously no air conditioning, the sun started to go down and the air became a little more bearable. We drove for several hours which was actually quite peaceful and quite a beautiful drive once we were out of the city. However.. in a matter of moments, the peaceful atmosphere quickly became not so peaceful. All along the way we had stopped at different points to pick up passengers but this time we stopped and turned around. The driver proceeded to tell us that they had to turn around to pick up a passenger that had been left behind. Even though that meant we would be a little delayed, I didn’t think too much of it. I have learnt to ‘roll with it’ because things like that just happen. BUT.. that was not the general opinion of the rest of the passengers. In seconds, there were people yelling and screaming, up in the aisles carrying on as if the world was about to end. I was near the front, a little confused as to the reason for such anger. Was a time delay really a good enough reason to hit the roof?? Well in the many words that were communicated (a mix of Swahili, luganda and English!), I understood their reasoning. “You can’t turn this bus around!... Who is this passenger anyway? Why is this person so important to inconvenience the rest of us? We can’t trust him! What if he highjacks this bus and steals all that we own. You could be taking us into the bush and do what you like with us. This has NEVER happened in all my times travelling with akamba. That goes against Akamba policy.. Stop this bus right now! I’m going to call the police.. I am going to call the police right now!”. Ahh.. so my peaceful state had quickly been disrupted. In my head I still thought ‘what’s the big deal? We forgot a guy. Just go back and get him and we’ll be on our way.. only an extra 30mins’. But, looking at their fear/anger/frustration it caused me to wonder…. And PRAY! Lol.. It’s funny how events like this push us to pray with greater fervency! And so.. to drown out the yelling, I put on my ipod and chose to ‘dwell on things above’! lol.. I chose songs such as ‘My deliverer, Jesus blood never fails, Mighty to Save, Strong Tower etc’, all with a particular focus on God being greater! I never panicked or got completely worried bc in my head I still didn’t identify with their perspective but at the same time, this was my 1st bus trip across Africa. There was 17 hrs and 3 different countries that we travelled through.

And so you can imagine the situation when we finally picked up this guy. Oh, I felt sorry for him. They had made up their minds that he was a highjacker out to get them ALL! The yelling continued for some time until they got tired. I mean, imagine if that was their plan, you think they would do it in a subtle way, rather than create such an obvious diversion! Lol. But from then on, all was well! We travelled across the border into Kenya, all the while I was trusting that the bus would check that they had ALL passengers before continuing. But I did have an advantage! I’m a MZUNGU! Yes, I am WHITE and female.. so I couldn’t help but stick out like a sore thumb! And in some way, I think they were always checking that I was back on the bus! Several more hours passed and we arrived at Kericho, where I was to change buses! It was now 1am and they were dropping me off to wait an hour and a half for a bur from Nairobi! I was somewhat concerned at where I would be dropped off at this unsafe hour of the night. But to my surprise and by God’s grace, we arrived a Servo and there was even a little akamba office, lights on with about 8 others waiting. I even got to have a cup of good Kenyan tea! Who would thought!?!

All I can say is ‘God is sooo good!’. Once again I was the novelty factor.. everyone wanting to practice their english on me and thinking I was American. All they wanted to talk about was ‘Obama, Obama’ like that would please me or something? It was actually quite funny I must say. I care very much about the American election but I don’t think I’d get much response if I started talking about ‘Kevin Rudd, Kevin Rudd.’!! But there were 2 older ladies who quickly made me their new friend.. sweet times. So at 2:30am we boarded the bus for the final 6hrs of the journey. As we were crossing the border into Tanzania I was hanging out for a shower!!! I at least got to pay 20Ksh to use the bathroom (hmm.. that sounds a little too sophisticated in comparison to reality!). Only one hr to go til I reached Musoma at 8:30am!

It was so exciting to be visiting Jono and Amy again. I first met them when Jono was the Youth Pastor at Clontarf 7 yrs ago. They are now working as missionaries with CMS in Musoma, Tanzania and have been there for 5 years so far. Jono is working primarily in the area of teaching and training which is just amazing. The number of churches is growing, yet there is such a need for pastors and leaders to be trained in Biblical theology, knowledge and leadership. He is working both in the villages as well as lecturing (in Swahili) at Kowak Christian Training Centre! Amy is busy being Mum to 4 precious kids, Lili 8, Isaac 5, Brie 3, & Abe 1. Amy not only homeschools her kids, but also leads weekly Girls Brigade & girls brigade camps, Swahili Bible studies with women, fellowship groups etc. A great team to have in ministry! What a SWEEET moment as the bus arrived at ‘zero zero’ (servo) and I could see Amy and the kids there to pick me up. Ahhh.. Already the bus trip faded into the distance, now that I was there! The last time I was here was in September of 2006! Wow! It was actually a little surreal! Back in 06, I did not know that visit no. 3 was on the horizon! Sooo sweet to see Amy again! And Jono & their 4 sweet kids! It was back in February when after booking my flight to Africa, I called Amy straight away to say I was ‘popping in’ for a visit! So now 9 months later, we were sitting down face to face over a cuppa! There truly is something about ‘a cuppa’! There’s just nothing like it! What a super special time it was. A while ago, I came to the realization that some of my closest friends are truly spread across the globe.. And I am so grateful to God for granting to me such friends, but obviously the distance adds another dimension to ‘connecting’ with each other. And so, to see that God saw fit for us to again spend time together blessed me more than I can say. He doesn’t have to, but I am seeing more and more, that God enjoys blessing His children, even though we certainly don’t deserve it! I also know that as much as I enjoy travel, the greatest fulfillment comes in doing it for the purpose of ministry and fellowship with others. Just seeing a place, does nothing compared to hanging out with those you love.

As I said in the last post, the plan was to stay from the 28th til the 11th because I had booked my flight to SA on Thursday 13th. But in looking at the bus schedule it meant I actually I had to leave Musoma on Sunday afternoon to get back in time. Ahhh.. it just felt too soon to leave! It felt like I had just arrived! To think that I had not seen Amy & Jono for 2 yrs and won't see them again for another 2 yrs was a painful reality! And, I am here in their home!! I just felt I needed to stay longer but we went to church on Sunday, knowing that the bus was leaving at 4pm. Unless something happened, I was getting on that bus back to Kampala. During the service I took some time to journal (bc it was all being spoken in Swahili) and I just felt God deal with me in on a few things.. in a really gentle, compassionate way.

Whose plans?? Mine or His?

Before I left Uganda I had the next 6 wks planned out in my head. For the previous 6 wks God had called me to ‘Seek Him 2day & Trust Him for 2moro’ and yet maybe because I had the supposed security of knowing the next 6wks I became a little complacent, rather than being content. What an awesome revelation! It was as if God were (nicely) challenging me saying ‘So you made your plans, you had it all mapped out but now you don’t like those plans and you want to change them? So, is having everything ‘sorted’ and planned, really any better than seeking me and trusting me one day at a time?’. Good point! I love it how God just knows what is best even when I have no idea! So, I had a decision to make. When to leave for SA? I knew what I wanted to do but there was a dilemma in that I could not rebook my flight until Monday.. but if I don’t get on the bus then there is no other option if my flights could not be changed. As I weighed up where I would rather be, it was not a difficult conclusion to come to. So after church, even with bus ticket in hand I was still not convinced about leaving.. I was actually a little anxious at the concept – just didn’t feel right! And so we were chatting about it and thought well I could just take the plunge and assume that changing my flight would be ok on Monday! So, I got on skype and yes, I called my Dad! I don’t care how old I might or might not be.. my Dad is always an AWESOME source of wisdom and I love him for speaking truth into my life! And how amazing.. When I asked him he actually said this ‘Ah I thought that might happen. I felt myself that you needed to stay there. Just work out your flight tomorrow’! Wow! So in essence that was my confirmation! So about 3 hrs before the bus left, I just decided not to get on! What a change in a matter of moments! But instantaneously I felt a complete peace! On Monday I was able to rebook my flight from Thurs til Monday, meaning I only had to leave by bus on Friday which I did yesterday! An extra 5 days! I guess I just felt like God had given me an amazing gift!

In essence he brought me back to ONE DAY AT A TIME! And this time I embraced it wholeheartedly! (yes, I know.. I’m a little slow on the uptake!) Also while in church I read from James 4:13 ‘Now listen, you who say Today or Tomorrow we will go to this city or that city, carry on business and make money. Why? You do not even know what till happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will do this or that. As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. Anyone who knows the good he ought to do but does not do it, sins’. God has used this many a time to challenge me but this trip, it holds even greater significance! Not that I felt like I was boasting about such plans but I certainly was finding security and comfort in tomorrow’s plans! I felt a peace about booking my flight the first time, but I believe God allowed me to do that so he could reveal in such an obvious way (bc I like obvious!) that His plans are really the best and He really can be trusted! Am I against planning? No.. Bc I believe God has given us the responsibility to be a good steward of our time, our days, our resources and our lives but God has simply taken me into a season to teach me a model of how to live my life in obedience of following him!

So… I arrived in Kampala this morn (sat) and will spend tonight and tomorrow night here with Barbara and John before flying to Cape Town at 7.15am Monday morning. I’ll be spending 10 days down there meeting up with the Pastor I met at the Watoto conference. I am excited at what God is up to and I’m excited at what will unfold in SA. What I’ll be doing I’m not sure but trusting God to open and shut doors. Like ALWAYS, things can change and so be it..

But at this stage, im flying back to Uganda on Thurs 27th. I’ll have a few more days in Kampala before flying back to Australia!! Time flies..As I look at this past week, I am so grateful that God allowed me to change ‘my’ plans! He knew the desires of my heart better than I did! It is a humbling reality that He is so gracious and patient with me, even though he certainly doesn’t have to be. Even though there are times when I think I NEED to know the plan, in reality what I really NEED is to passionately SEEK Him! He promises to give us ALL that we need… But He is the only one who truly KNOWS what we need! May we trust him to know and meet our needs!

And so, what a sweet thing it is to know that friendship is actually God’s idea!! Amazing hey! God desires that we would walk this life ‘together’. What a privilege to walk side by side as brothers and sisters in Christ! May we be people who take great joy in the life of others and love others as Christ first loved us! Imagine if all of our friendships were a true reflection of how Jesus cares for us. Wow.. I have so much to learn! In writing this I am reminded of those people twwho have invested their lives into me and modeled the life of Christ to me as a friend. And to think that even in changing my travel itinerary, he would consider such time spent with friends as such an important priority is just awesome! Jesus’ greatest desire is that we become like Him! May we be extravagant in our encouragement toward others and be bold enough to grow in the likeness of Christ.

My prayer is that I would be content, but not complacent in my walk with Christ.. That I would boldly walk by faith in obedience to the Spirit’s leading.. and may I embrace friendships as God’s way of creating us to be more and more like Jesus Christ! I am grateful that God is sooo patient and gracious despite myself!Thanks for walking life with me.. even through the world of facebook! God can use ALL things.. (even facebook!) to make His glory known!

Love and blessings across the sea and across the globe!

xoxo BEC

"Seek me TODAY & trust me for TOMORROW".. God

Monday, October 27, 2008 at 4:51am

Ok, so when God challenged me a few weeks ago to seek him TODAY and trust Him for TOMORROW, he meant it!! Literally!! For the past 6 weeks, I have been in Kampala, Uganda! After the Watoto conference I stayed on volunteering primarily in the youth department and then a little with events in preparation for Joyce Meyer's visit. I have had a fabulous time.. the ministry is great and the staff are awesome! I have enjoyed seeing old friends and making new ones! God is moving in Watoto and it's such a privilege to be here!

Last week, Joyce Meyer was the guest speaker at KPC's (Kampala Pentecostal Church) Daughter's of Destiny service, a regular women's ministry. Approx 6-7000 women attended, with the majority of women outside in the parking lot overflow area watching the big screen. What an incredible evening of God gathering His daughters that He might speak life and truth to us, through the mouthpiece of a fellow sister in Christ, Joyce Meyer! God is moving..

Then on Friday and Saturday she travelled north to the town of Gulu in Northern Uganda for 2 amazing days of ministry. On Saturday there was over 130,000 people in attendance, which we later learned that it was the largest gathering EVER in that region!! Wow! The largest ever! And it was not for political reasons or anything else, but a gathering for the GOSPEL! Joyce preached a message close to her heart.. and a timely message for the people of Gulu who have been oppressed and abused for far too long. May this be another step in the healing process for God's people in Gulu! Joyce has partnered with Watoto as they are bringing solution to the needs of former child soldiers, orphans, widows, men, women, children.. all precious to God! God has given to his church the com+mission and the privilege of being his hands, his feet, his mouthpiece and his heart to those who are hurting and wondering 'God, why me?'. He hears their cry.. He feels their hurt.. and He sees their broken heart.. God is moving..

Then on Sunday, Joyce returned to Kampala for a city wide crusade held at Namboole Stadium where thousands gathered once again in the presence of God. It was a simple yet powerful moment when Pastor Gary made mention that this stadium has been used for a variety of purposes, lifting voices in praise of sporting athletes, famous individuals etc, but on that day, we were gathered as one body for the sole purpose of bringing glory to the name of Jesus!! In that setting of many gathered, it was just a glimpse of heavenly worship.. many voices.. one Jesus! Hillsong London, along with KPC choir led the music and prepared the way of worship before Joyce came to share the message. Joyce was blunt, real and to the point. It's one thing to say you're a Christian, but what does it mean to be a serious Christian? Do we live a life of obedience, integrity, honesty, purity?? ...consistently?? And often obedience doesn't always FEEL good, but God demands it.. If we waited til it felt warm and fuzzy, then we'd never move forward! So basically 'Get serious!'.. May we not be one person in public and a different in private.. May we not be one person at work but different in the home.. May we not speak one thing and live another.. May we not talk the 'talk', yet fail to walk the 'walk' - that walk of integrity, love and uprightness of heart.. that which is pleasing to the Lord.

My prayer is that people came not simply for Joyce but to hear from God... my prayer is that what was spoken on Sunday would be lived out from Monday to Sunday.. and my prayer is that we as His people 'gathered' would go out and powerfully reflect Christ as we live our lives 'scattered' across Kampala, Uganda and the entire globe. There is a time to be 'gathered' and a time to be 'scattered'! In the beginning of Acts, the church was gathered, but as persecution and needs arose, the church began to be scattered.. hence the spreading of the gospel. And so, we need to be gathered but we also need to be scattered in order that his Gospel is spread and His name made famous to 'the ends of the earth'. Just today after church, God reminded me that the 'harvest is plentiful but the workers are few'. The reminder came as I was watching BBC world news and a brief clip came on about a spiritual/cultural festival occurring in Nigeria where a young female figuratively 'marries' one of their worshipped gods... Everyone participates in this festival, hoping that their small offering will grant them good luck and prosperity from the 'god'.. Aarhh.. It just saddened me! And not necessarily fault on their part, but if they only knew that there is TRUE HOPE! And this hope is not wishful thinking or random luck, but the assurance of a personal, intimate, eternal relationship with the TRUE creator of heaven and earth! And so, imagine how even one community could be transformed if their spiritual eyes were enlightened to TRUTH!

The devil is a roaring lion, seeking those whom he might devour! He is the father of lies, seeking to STEAL, KILL and DESTROY! And while there are those who are living without the knowledge of Christ's forgiveness and salvation or living in conscious denial of Christ, the devil is happy. BUT, Jesus came that we might have LIFE.. and not just survival, but LIFE TO THE FULLEST! But we the church know that joy and as a result we are living in the abundant Grace of being His chosen children, adopted as His own, experiencing eternal life, starting today! I often wonder, how would I be different if I had been born into a muslim family or buddhist family?? But (only) by the grace of God, I have been blessed with the GREATEST family ever! (Yes, I may be biased.. but its true! lol). Never have I not known the love of devoted parents who both modeled what it meant to walk with Christ personally, but then to love each other and us as Christ first loved them. wow! Did I do anything to deserve it? No! 'For while we were still sinners Christ died for us'... the love of Christ was.. and is.. extravagant, undeserved and life changing! I am blessed.. and may I never forget it!! BUT.. WITH GREAT PRIVILEGE COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY! I may have said this before.. but WE ARE BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING! WE'VE BEEN GIVEN LIFE, THAT OTHERS MIGHT EXPERIENCE THAT SAME LIFE! And as Christ has redeemed us, we have that privilege of declaring that redemption to others.

And as we talk about being the hands, feet and voice of Christ, there is one verse that has become so close to my heart while challenging me at the same time! I shared this recently with a friend because this is true of her.. 'They will know that you are my (Christ's) disciples when you love one another'... It is easy to let the 'flesh' rule our daily moment by moment decisions/reactions/feelings when our plans get changed or someone hurts us or when we're running late or when someone cuts us off in traffic (btw.. never again will i complain about Aussie traffic!! lol.. It is a 'normal' practice to cut each other off in traffic in UG! Staying in lanes?? Where are the lanes? If there's no lane, make one! lol.. ) etc. I too struggle with this. It's so easy to sing in church on Sunday 'I worship you.. I surrender.. I lay my life for you.. etc'.. but when LIFE hits us in the face, are our actions or reactions seen by God as 'worship'.. as honouring to Him?? Worship is our moment by moment expression to our God, as we're driving to work, buying groceries, having our morning coffee etc.. May we as the body of Christ be EXTRAVAGANT in our LOVE toward others.. GENEROUS with our time, talent & treasures.. and WHOLEHEARTEDLY sold out for the 2 most IMPORTANT missions in life.. 1) BRINGING GLORY TO GOD! (ie. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength) and 2) BRINGING GLORY TO GOD BY LOVING OTHERS (ie.. and love your neighbor as you love yourself!)

Wow.. So this has turned out a little different to my first intentions! So, where am I at? As I said in the beginning (before I got side-tracked), God was serious when He asked me to walk one day at a time! Yes I have been with Watoto for a month now, but in that I actually did not know how long I was meant to be volunteering with them. I actually did not come here with that intention but God opened that door and directed me to walk through it. Even my accommodation has been a weekly, sometimes daily walk of faith! But GOD IS FAITHFUL and I have been AMAZED again and again at how God provides .. yes it might feel like it is at the LAST minute, but not only is God FAITHFUL, His timing is also PERFECT! I have stayed with Barbara & John, then Equatoria Hotel, then Adonai Guest House, then Racheal's place, now back to Barbara & John's... As I said, revelation moment by moment! And so, it has truly stretched me and taken me to a deeeeeeeper level of dependence and trust in Him! He desires that we walk WITH Him.. not simply 'check in with him' now and then.. So from that point of view, I am loving it! Yes, there are times when I get a little frustrated at my inability to plan, but God knows my heart and I am grateful that He is both gracious and patient!

But at this point, things have taken a turn (for good!).. I was on Skype (as you do!) on Friday night talking with friends of mine who said they would pray for me re: direction bc I really needed to make some decisions for this coming week. Well at 1am (God tends to speak at this time for some reason!!) to my shock, it was as if God opened my eyes and revealed the plan for the next 6 weeks! And as I looked at the date, it was exactly half way through my time here.. to the day! I feel like He has revealed the general plan.. the specifics I'm sure will fall into place when needed. It's a little crazy but I don't think I've ever been so excited to simply know what I'm doing 3 days in advance! So here's the approx plan..

Tues 28th Oct-11th Nov: Take a LOOOONG bus from Kampala, Uganda to Musoma, Tanzania to spend 2 weeks with friends, Jono & Amy Vink (& kids). I can't wait!! God has been so gracious to let me visit them 3 times since 05! They are just precious and I'm looking forward to hanging out with them!

13-26th Nov: Cape Town, South Africa!! This is somewhat random, but it feels right at this stage. At conference Dad and I met a guy called Anthony who is a pastor in Cape Town, looking to model Watoto in Cape Town! We talked for some time.. after which he invited me to come down. Initially I thought I 'can't do that'.. but the thought has not left me since. I've been praying about it and a this stage I feel led to go. Have I booked flights yet? No.. bc I want to be sure it's His will not mine, but I'm at least moving and walking in that direction. I don't even know him very well but I have come to love the unknown and watching God unfold his plan..

26-30th: Back to Kampala to spend the last few days with friends at Watoto, saying goodbye's etc etc...

So there you go... It might seem a little vague to you but to me this is AWESOME!!!! To me this is A LOT of information, compared to what I've had til now! But I also acknowledge and am open to the fact that this could all CHANGE tomorrow and I must be ok with it! So I have learnt to HOLD THINGS LOOSELY.. and let GOD GIVE AND TAKE AWAY as He sees fit! Certainly an adventure in the process! Maybe I better get used to this.. Maybe this is God's plan for my life.. to go as He leads, when He leads, not knowing where he is leading but trusting that HE is the one leading! Phew. wow! I think I just spoke to myself! lol

Anyway.. this has once again expanded!! But if you have made it this far - Goodonya! Maybe next time I'll warn you to go and grab a cuppa first BEFORE you sit down! Well I know this is open for anyone to read, but my honest prayer is that wherever this finds you, that God would encourage your heart and remind you of His EXTRAVAGANT love for you. that when he was creating and forming the world in which we live, YOU were on His mind and He takes great DELIGHT in you! Be blessed as you trust Him in faith, knowing that HIS PLANS ARE THE BEST PLANS!

Thank you for your friendship, however old or new, for I truly believe that it is God who draws individuals together and creates divine connections, that His glory may be seen and our hearts enlarged with His complete and unconditional love, expressed through one another.

Keep on keeping on.. He loves you!

Walking and waiting in Faith.. BEC

"Ki kati from Kampala, Uganda!"

Saturday, October 4, 2008 at 3:33am

"Hello from Kampala, Uganda!"Well so much for having regular journal entries! In the time since I last wrote, much has happened :) Kristen and I were with the Ugandan family for the first week, before meeting up with Dad & Lester Kelly for the Watoto Conference at Kampala Pentecostal Church in Uganda. There were 600 delegates from Uganda and across the globe – 26 different nations represented! Gary & Marilyn Skinner, along with an incredible group of people (including 740 volunteers!!) hosted an exciting conference, where we truly felt God moving! I was challenged, encouraged and inspired.. The conference went from Wednesday to Sunday last week, concluding with a combined church service @ Namboole Stadium! Throughout the conference, there was a running theme, emphasizing the importance of the local church! When we look at the problems facing the globe at this present time, many will attempt to bring hope and healing but only one has the true source of hope that the world is in desperate need for.. and that is the church of Jesus Christ!

Jesus has set His Spirit within us that we might be his hands, his feet and his mouthpiece to feed the hungry, bring hope to the hopeless and the life of Christ to those who are dying. Christ is the answer and He has empowered His Body – the church – to execute justice and be His tangible expression of love and compassion that people are in need of. Whether we live in Uganda, Australia, England or the US etc.. it is the local church that has been given the mandate to love those in our backyard and across the world. We can look at the brokenness of Uganda and the African continent and be overwhelmed with the enormity of need, or we can invite the Holy Spirit to invade our hearts and open our eyes to the greatness of God! Perish the thought that we ever think this is too hard for God! Whether it is aids orphans, child soldiers, child prostitutes or the many other seemingly impossible problems, He is able! He is more than able.. but I believe He is waiting for willing and obedient vessels to be the channel through which His Glory is made known and His name made famous! The neighbor across the street needs Christ just as much as the African orphan… Some are called across the street and some are called across the globe.

Regardless of where we are each called by God, what a privilege we hold in our hands to be the visible, tangible and audible expression of the love of Christ. Do I know exactly where God is calling me? No.. but WHERE I am called is not half as important as WHO He is calling me to be. A daily journey that like us all, I am walking… D

uring the conference all the delegates were broken into 2’s & 3’s to have lunch in one of the homes. Dad and I were incredibly blessed because we were able to have that lunch in the home that our family built in memory of Mum. For the first time (since we built in April 07) we were able to meet Mama Ellen and her newly established family of 7 children! Sarah is 14, Eva just turned 14, Patrick is 9, George is 7 (I think), Scott is 2, Dorica is 2 and Julian is 2!! A beautiful family! Spending that time was indeed a special experience knowing that this was the result of those sweaty days of building! Every brick that was laid meant that these kids now have not just a home, but a family! Mama Ellen is ADORABLE and there was certainly a mixture of emotions knowing that just like I was blessed with the best mother ever, so too these children are going be raised in the love of Christ, with a Godly mother who loves them. I have not yet been able to visit the school homes but am hoping to do that in the next few weeks. 15 months later, they too have mothers and children in them! Wow!

This week Kristen joined her NZ team while Dad, Lester and I spent the week here. Dad and I were able to go to Gulu in Northern Uganda which was great! 6 of us drove the 4.5 hours north to visit the first cluster of 9 Watoto homes, with 9 Mums and a great number of beautiful kids who now have a home! These women are amazing and I have such a deep respect for the role that they are choosing to play in partnering with KPC and Watoto in raising the next generation of Ugandan leaders! The kids were so excited! High 5’s have never been such a hit!! Lol.. While in Gulu we also visited the hospital that KPC are working with, along with briefly visiting the Laroo School for War Affected Children. Watoto are also working with this school to bring Christ centered rehabilitation and counseling to these rescued child soldiers and child mothers affected by the LRA.

During the conference, we had the privilege of having approx 40 ex-child soldiers and girls perform for us on stage with dancing, singing, drums etc… It was so moving because these children are still in the process of rehabilitation and yet God is working in them to restore that which had been stolen from them.. their childhood and their innocence. There are thousands more that have not yet been released from the bush.. At one point in the conference Marilyn also introduced a young woman to the stage who had been Joseph Kony’s wife for 11 years!! Through translation we learned of her story, that while in the bush she had given birth to 3 children, one of which is still in the bush, while she is caring for the remaining 2. As we listened to her heart-wrenching story I just thought to myself ‘It’s just not right…’. No girl should have to go through what she has been through. And then, get this.. She went back and was part of the peace talks with her former rebel husband! That is a testimony of strength and courage that can only be found in Christ! As I hugged her later, there was much that I wanted to say, but I realized that even though there was a language barrier, much can be communicated through the simplicity of a genuine embrace and loving her. Wow! God is restoring that beautiful woman and bringing hope and healing to a life that was once without such hope.

I could continue and share more about the conference and even about the testimony of David, a former child soldier and the horrendous experiences that he was tormented by, but I wont.All I know is that those testimonies can leave you devastated or motivated.. May these testimonies of triumph out of tragedy cause us to Glorify God all the more for His transforming power and then inspire us to lay our lives down before God yet again, asking that He would use us to bring hope and healing to the world around us, whether across the street or across the globe.Today (Friday 3/10) Dad and Lester flew home and I look ahead to my remaining 8 weeks with anticipation. I am still unsure of any specific direction but I am content in knowing that all I have in my hands is TODAY.

As I was reading Matthew this morning, God really challenged me to Seek Him First TODAY, and He will take care of my tomorrows! ‘Each day has enough worries of itself’ Matt 6. God only holds us accountable for that which we do have in our hands, not what we don’t have.. and at this point, all I have in my hands is TODAY! It is easy to be consumed with the unknown and trying to plan… but at present I have great contentment in simply seeking Him TODAY and trusting him with my TOMORROWS (all 55 of them!). I am currently staying in a hotel until Sunday, after which again.. is yet to be revealed! :)

At this stage I will stay in Kampala until at least the 19th October, until after the Joyce Meyer conference is finished. After that… only God knows!!Well I think this has been long enough for now! Blessings to you wherever this finds you! Always know that He alone is more than sufficient and He is unchanging although our world may be in chaos!

Walking by Faith...BEC*

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" Matt 6:33-34

We're in Kampala, Uganda!

Saturday, September 20, 2008 at 7:48pm

Well after 40 hours of travelling, Kristen and I arrived in Kampala, Uganda on Thursday! We got off the plane, pumped to be here and ready to meet our family that we are staying with! Without any trouble I found my bag, but Kristen's was nowhere to be found! Upon investigation, we discovered it was still in Dubai!! So, we left the airport and was kindly picked up by a friend of the family we're staying with. Little did I expect how excited I would be as we drive from the airport in Entebbe to Kampala (45 mins away). It truly felt like being home again! I'm not sure how to explain it but there is an amazing feeling of being back. Kris and I just kept saying 'I can't believe we're back!'. I think more than anything we just felt so blessed by God that He would allow us to come back.. As we parted in July last year, we were not sure when the next time we would see each other, but joked about the thought of meeting up again in Uganda! Yes, we're both Australian, but find it easier to see each other half way across the globe, than in Australia!

So we're here! We arrived in Kampala and met Barbara, John and their 9 year old daughter Crystal! What an incredibly delightful family!! Wow - so blessed! We both feel that Ephesians 3:20 is becoming a reality already - Far above anything we could ask or imagine! They have welcomed us into their beautiful home and are treating us like family! Nakato, their maid is also adorable! Although we can't communicate bc we don't speak Lugandan and she does not speak english we are having a great time with her! I am sure she is tired of hearing our extensive 5 word Lugandan vocabulary, but is sweet non-the-less and laughs with us as we attempt to communicate! lol..

Well I have to run.. our driver is here.. we're going out exploring the city today - visiting some martyr tombs and the markets etc.. Crystal is coming with us so it should be a fun girls day out!

Hopefully i'll be back later...

Blessings! Bec & Kristen!

Leaving for Africa!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 3:08am

Well hello all!It's currently 2am (Wednesday morning) and at 10am this morning I am flying to Uganda! For those of you asking for my itinerary I thought I would post it here.. 3 weeks ago, I arrived home from my year of studying the Bible in America, but tomorrow I am leaving for Africa! I will be away for 10 weeks, arriving home in December. This is my itinerary (as vague as it is at present...)Wed 17th-24th Sept - Staying with a Ugandan family in Kampala with my sweet friend Kristen!!Wed 24th -Sun 28th - Watoto Conference in Kampala, Uganda - This is the whole reason for coming! There will be approximately 500 pastors/church leaders from around Uganda and around the world in attendance for the purpose of seeing the Watoto model in action and understanding how to possibly replicate the model to meet the needs of the millions of other less fortunate orphans in Africa. The conference will also look at the new project in Gulu which will rehabilitate the thousands of resuced child soldiers and child mothers. What an exciting opportunity to partner with God in His work in Uganda.. I'm simply praying that my heart would be open and obedient to whatever He places in my hands. May I be willing, obedient and quick to respond to His call. Along with Kristen and I, my Dad & Lester Kelly will also be meeting us there for the conference. Brian & Bobbie Houston (Pastors of Hillsong Australia) along with Darlene Zschech (Worship leader from Hillsong) wlll be amongst the guest speakers, alongside Gary & Marilyn Skinner (Founders of Watoto & KPC). See if you're not familiar with Watoto!Mon 29th-Thurs 2nd Oct - Hoping to travel the 10hours north to the town of Gulu, northern Uganda to see Project Gulu as it begins to take shape.

In June of last year, 8 of us from Grace Lutheran College were the first team taken by Watoto up to Gulu to visit the possible sites for building the village and meeting for church. Things have changed a little but the plans are underway and it is exciting to see how God will use Watoto to rescue these precious children and rehabilitiate them, with the transformation that only Christ can enable. Again, what a joy it is to see God at work, raising up leaders and instilling hope for those who were once in captivity and without hope! Again, check out for more info!Fri 3rd Oct - 15th November (Approx 6 weeks) At this stage I have no idea what I'll be doing for those 6 weeks! I know that I am meant to be in Africa, but where I am not sure. I would love to get to Sudan/Congo or Rwanda, but again, I am not sure. I am trusting that at the right time God will open the right doors and show me the way, even if it just step by step.. I have come to the point of loving the unknown for I really believe that it is then that we trust Him with the future and allow Him to direct the steps rather than us trying to 'work it out'! And if it comes down to God directing my life or me, then I would much rather He be in control! He is our amazing infinite creator and Saviour who not only created the universe and is in complete control of the planet in which we live, He is also so intimate in knowing us better than we know ourselves and having a plan for our lives that is far beyond anything we could ever plan or choose! In my life right now, I am in a 'sweet spot' where I am just njoying what it means to walk this life with Him and what it means to trust Him! It doesn't get any better than doing life with His Spirit dwelling within! What a privilege we have!

.. So pray with me as you think of it, that I would hear His voice and follow His leading and be exactly where He wants me to be.15th November (approx) - Beginning of December: Visiting Jono & Amy Vink (& their sweet kids!) in Musoma, Tanzania. I can't wait to see them and spend these few weeks with them! This will be the 3rd visit in 3 years and I feel incredibly blessed! They are precious friends and it is both an encouragement and a challenge to watch their life and walk of obedience as they 'spend their lives' training up local pastors and ministering to the local people with the truth of Christ. They consider it a privilege to give their lives for the sake of the gospel! Truly a reflection of the Apostle Paul.. There was no greater mandate, no greater mission than telling others about Jesus Christ!

May we too respond and be able to say 'To live is Christ, to die is gain..(Phil1:21) "But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christand be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead (Philippians 3)I will arrive home in December and am looking forward to staying home for a while! As much as I enjoy travelling, I also LOVE being with friends and family at home

... As for next year, I am unsure! I am hoping to be in Redcliffe for 2009 and at this stage I am looking to teach supply while I anticipate where God is leading me in the future. Thanks to all those who pray! What a joy to know that God listens and He responds as He sees fit!I wont be as regular on facebook in the coming 10 weeks..
Will be back on deck in December!
Blessings! Bec

'To Live is Christ...'

WOW! 100 Letters are out!! Amen!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008 at 12:29pm

As at 9.30pm Friday night all of the 100 letters that God told me to send have been sent!! This project was birthed 15 months ago and it has taken this long to send out the letters - hence why I am just a little excited at this point!!If you have no idea what I am talking about... Check out my previous post 'The journey and vision of Project Gulu 61'Praise God.. Now we wait in anticipation!Blessings!! Thanks for all your prayers! He is worthy!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Vision of PROJECT GULU 61!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 10:34am

So between the months of March to May 2007, God granted to me a vision of raising funds to assist in the building of a village in Northern Uganda, with Watoto Childcare Ministries... Several people have asked that I share this vision in written form.. so here it is! (For the video, it is posted on my wall)The Journey behind Project Gulu 61In March 05, my Mum and I went to a large women's conference, held by Hillsong Church in Australia. At the conference we heard and met one of the key speakers, Marilyn Skinner with Watoto Childcare Ministries, based in Kampala. If you already know about Watoto, forgive me for continuing, but you never know. So we heard about their ministry and their vision which is to 'Raise the next generation of Ugandan Leaders by discipling parentless children for Christ'. It is an incredible ministry whereby they take 8 orphaned children and place them in a home with one mother, which becomes their new family for life. They currently have 3 villages, looking after about 1800 children, in a variety of capacities. Groups from around the world raise funds to build the homes. So when we heard the ministry, God just grabbed a hold of our hearts. After speaking with my Dad, my parents decided to finance a home. However unexpectantly, 4 months later my Mum died. So, my Dad decided that the 6 of our family would not just send the money but that we would go and physically build it and dedicate it to her (which we did last Easter 07). Little did we know how her dream would spread. At the start of 06, my high school students that I teach heard what we were doing and asked if they could build one too. Initially I thought raising $20,000 was too much for a group of students to accomplish. However we started and ended up raising over $45,000.

So last year in July I took 32 parents, students and staff to Kampala to build 2 homes. What an amazing privilege!So.. the birth of Project Gulu 61 - The Beginning!In March last year I went back to the same conference and Marilyn was speaking again. This time she shared Watoto's new vision which is to build a village/community in a similar format to rehabilitate the child soldiers in Gulu, Northern Uganda. To tell you the whole story would take too long but at one point in the conference I had the most profound spiritual experience that I have ever had in my life. Bobbie Houston stood on stage knowing that many of the 17,000 women present wanted to contribute to the cause. We were all ready to put in the buckets the money that we held in our hands when Bobbie presented an unusual yet divine challenge. Rather than putting our money in the buckets she said ‘I believe God wants to do something far greater in the Spirit, so take that money which is in your hand and take it back to your world and see what God would do with it! It was as if a physical weight fell on my shoulders and I knew that this project was something I had to do. Despite the 17,000 women around me, I was overwhelmed because the $50 I held in my hand, I felt could literally change the world. Like Jesus feeding the 5000, I felt that this small and insignificant amount (my fish/bread) Christ could multiply in a profound way to 'Feed the 5000' and beyond.. And so that whole day I could not concentrate because I needed to know how God would have me spend this money. At 11pm that night I sat there desperate to hear his voice! I waited from 11pm til 1am when He spoke so clearly. He said 'Buy 100 stamps (postage)'... I was like 'What??' (btw.. our stamps in Aust cost 50c so 100 x 50c = $50). And then the Holy Spirit said 'Write 100 lettters to 100 businesses and see what I will do!' It was absolutely incredible! And so that was my plan!2 weeks later my family were in Uganda building Mum's house. We finished so early that My dad wanted us all to go on a 3 day safari. Immediately I felt anxious, knowing that I could not go. And so I stayed back by myself and found myself one night again asking God to answer.. I was happy to write letters but for what purpose??? I was again desperate to know what God would have me do.. Not intentionally, but I sat down at 11pm waiting for God to speak. I again waited from 11pm-1am when He spoke once again in a clear voice! '$100,000, $200,000... no, $1 Million dollars!'. It was incredible because it honestly freaked me out because that was far too huge for me! I saw God take a $20,000 vision and multiply it into $45,000. But once again, God challenged me with the question 'Bec, do you think it is too hard for me??'. And so I wrote the letters and had the 100 ready to go.. however I was wondering where I was meant to send them.To this, God responded 'I'll show you'.

So as I started sharing the vision with people one on one, people began giving me names to send them to. About the 8th letter I realized what was happening.. As I shared the vision, God would give me one name! Oh, so I was going to have to share this vision 100 times or more!! And so currently (as of Tuesday 29th July 08) I have sent out 93 letters with only 7 to go. This past Saturday God revealed that all 100 letters are to be sent by this Friday 1st August!! So I'm praying for those last 7 letters to be sent in 3 days remaining!! Along the way, particularly in February this year, I wondered whether God was doing anything because I felt like nothing was happening. However several months ago, in such a powerful way, The Holy Spirit convicted me that nothing would happen until I had sent all the letters out. So at this point, I am just waiting for God to reveal where the last letters are to be sent. God is so incredible and is in complete control.. And so this is the background of my vision. The whole village and community and church will cost several million dollars... the vision of Proj Gulu 61 of raising one million seems so small yet I find great encouragement in the fact that it is truly HIS vision not mine!! I am fully confident that God will provide the funds. God has given me a name for the project 'Project Gulu 61'... from Isaiah 61:1-4.. 'The Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me bind up the brokenhearted, to set the captives free and release from darkness the prisoners'.The Lord gave me Ephesians 3:20 several years ago to use as a prayer.. it is my prayer that He would 'do exceedingly, abundantly more than all we could ever ask, think or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us for HIS GLORY'!

The point of sharing this before the fulfillment of Project Gulu 61 is out of faith and as an act of obedience. Way back in the beginning God challenged me with 'Bec, if you are not willing to share the vision in faith before a cent has been given, then the fiulfillment of the vision has no power!'If you have made it this far, thank you! And join with me in thanking God in anticipation for all that He is going to do! The letters are purely His 'vehicle' to bring GLORY to His name, across the earth! It's not even about the letters.. It's not even about this vision, but it is ALL about Jesus Christ and His GLORY!'Not to us O Lord, but to your name, be glory'

Blessings to you, wherever this note finds you!Bec ScalesCheck out this video. It will give you the visual understanding. It's also posted on my wall.

PROJECT GULU 61 - Child Soldiers of Northern Uganda. This is the video that was shown at the conference last year, along with INVISIBLE CHILDREN, which initiated this God-given vision (as described in my posted note).