Monday, February 23, 2009

Heavenly Homecoming..

Today has been a tough day for the youth of Life Church. Early this morning, Inez (17 years old) passed away... At the very time of her passing (which I was not yet aware of), I posted my blog, asking you to pray for her healing. God had already answered our prayer.. Not necessarily in the way we would have preferred but we still give Him the glory for He is worthy. She is healed, complete, whole and free from suffering.. In the early hours of this morning, God called his daughter home! I can just imagine her running through the gates of heaven, being welcomed with 'Well done, good and faithful servant! Welcome Home..'

I have come to the conviction that we are called by God to pray in faith and ask for physical healing, knowing that he is more than able! ..However we do not have the right to demand that from him. He alone is God and we trust Him to do that which will most honour and glorify His name.

As we all met together today and I listened to them talk about Inez, I was inspired! This young girl of 17 years old has left a powerful legacy that will not be forgotten. Amongst her friends, there were tears, laughter, stories remembered, and moments shared, all in celebration of her short, yet passionate life. Her single minded, undivided heart was sold out for the cause of knowing Christ and making him known. In her school, she rose up, unashamed of her relationship with Jesus, causing others to stop and take notice. And today, even we, stopped and took note of her life, encouraged and challenged by her unwavering devotion, whatever the cost! I did not know Inez like most sitting in that room today (In fact I only met her for the first time in the hospital room) but even I see the fruit of her life, still growing and multiplying.

Last week at church, Steve Uppal gave a powerful message entitled 'The power of One'. We read amazing stories of individuals who laid all aside for the gospel.. men and women who changed the world, causing great revivals because they chose to surrender, take up their cross and boldly proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. Steve finished by repeating 'there are stories still to be written.. there are stories, even in this room that are still to be written'. I remember thinking to myself, "God i don't want to get to heaven and be ashamed that I did not give you my all. I want to be just another 'one' who made that simple decision to surrender, take up my cross and proclaim your gospel.. ." And not for my name's sake but that HIS name would be made famous!

As we reflected today I thought, right now Inez's story continues to be written on the hearts of those around her who were affected by her infectious love for Jesus. May her legacy, her story, and her testimony cause people to come face to face with Jesus! From this day to her funeral day, to the days ahead, my prayer is that her testimony continues to speak.. loudly.. as an ongoing reminder of the transforming power of the cross. I am reminded of the life of another precious daughter of God, Hannah Sobeski who also shared a similar journey. We wonder 'why' and we struggle to comprehend God's reasoning, but ultimately God will be glorified! God's will for Inez, for Hannah, is also part of God's will for us and our journey. He has not made a mistake, nor has he failed us. And we trust him with that.

Let me share what happened yesterday. Since I arrived and started working with the youth, I have had this strong conviction that God is on the move and we need to be attentive to His voice as He leads us and directs us. In seeking out the needs of our youth, I feel so strongly that we must seek GOD'S vision! Yes we can have 'good' ideas and 'effective' programs, but we want this to be HIS vision, HIS heartbeat and HIS mission! I don't want to naively forge ahead in my 'good' ideas hoping that God will bless it. No I want to Him to lead us. Do we sit back and do nothing in the meantime? No, but we get serious, we get intentional and we get desperate for God to speak, to move and to lead!

In the same message from Steve Uppal, he spoke so strongly with such great conviction and I just heard God repeat over and over again 'Fight for their souls! Fight for the souls of our youth! Who will stand up and fight for them?? The world is fighting for their souls - to steal, kill and destroy -to steal their innocence, kill their joy and destroy their future. But Jesus came that they would have life and life abundantly! (John 10:10). Whose going to fight for them if you don't? Bec, you don't have time to wonder whether it's possible, or to doubt your ability, or to settle for mediocrity. Bec, the gospel is urgent, Jesus is worth it and these youth need Him! So get your armour on, pick up your Sword and fight!'

So then yesterday we (youth leaders) got together for a few hours.. we talked, we prayed, we prayed.. and we prayed some more.. In that same passage in John (v10-13) Jesus says 'The thief comes ONLY to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly. I am the good Shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandond the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep'. That's what it means to fight! To lay down your life for the 'sheep'. If there is no ownership it is easy to run from the need. But this mandate is not optional. Jesus did not say 'Preach the gospel.. make disciples.. care for the needy.. feed the hungry.. if you feel like it'. No he said YOU FEED THEM. And so I released them if they feel their calling is different from youth, but if they stay and we commit to this together, then we will make it our mission to fight for them! To lay down our lives for them! To care for the sheep as the Good Shepherd cares for them! I believe God stripped us back, humbled us and caused us to recommit ourselves afresh in surrender to His call. Exactly what that looks like I do not know, but I do know that it involves saying 'Jesus, come what may, I'm yours! Use me, mould me, shake me, break me, do with me what you will, for my life is not my own, I have been bought with a price. I have surrendered my rights. I lay down my life. Glorify yourself through me'.

At the end of our time together after we had prayed for Inez, Tammy said something that would prove to be even more profound today. She said 'Guys, we're talking about laying down our lives for God. Inez is doing this.. she has done this.. she has laid down her life. She has surrendered herself, knowing that her life is not her own'. And then only a matter of hours later, Inez went home. She truly had laid down her life, surrendering to God's will in her life. "To live is Christ; To die is gain" (Phil 1:21). It's easy to say but not so easy to live out in the midst of grief. By no means am I saying that I understand all of what they are feeling right now, but I do know grief and what it means to lose someone that you love.

And so I don't believe that timing is ever a coincidence. So often it's easy to say 'oh this is bad timing' but I wonder it that is wrong to say, if we truly believe that God is sovereign and in control. It's as if on Sunday we verbalised our surrender and submission to Christ regardless of the cost, and then on Monday we were called to walk it out in faith. I just know that God is calling us higher and deeper with Him.

Please pray with us for Inez's family.. for her school friends.. for her friends here at Life Church who have lost a precious friend.. for our church leadership.. for Tammy as she takes the funeral and for those who have YET to accept Christ as their Saviour. As much as we might know the truth in our heads and I've even managed to ramble away with many words, the fact remains that in this world we do face pain, hurt and grief. Inez's family and friends are grieving and we're praying for God to be revealed in such a powerful way! The youth at church are amazing and I am so encouraged by their steadfast trust in God in the midst of their pain. "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." (2 Cor 1:3,4).

Well once again, thank you for praying! God is still on the throne and we will continue to praise Him for he deserves it! Forgive my rambles at times but at least this blog is not a 'required reading' but simply an 'optional extra'.



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